Tuesday, January 21st, 2025
Towards the end of 2024 there was one scripture that kept coming to me over and over in various avenues. It’s a simple but deeply powerful scripture. I really feel that it is a prophetic picture of where we as the church need to reside for 2025. It’s Proverbs 28:1:
1The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.
All across our nation and our world many are attempting to back Christians into a corner to give way for wickedness and unrighteousness to rule. For too long we have buckled under pressure and bowed to people pleasing to try to get others to like us and want to join our crowd. The problem is that in our weakness many more of us have joined their crowd. We have sold the authority that Jesus died to give us in order to keep our friends. We have sat in silence in our places of work and school so as not to offend anyone.
Directly before us lies a choice, a line in the sand. Our options, to flee or to move forward in boldness. Having watched a decent portion of yesterday’s Presidential Inauguration, I am thankful to say that President Trump has chosen the path of boldness. He spoke unashamedly of the evil that has attempted to take our nation out in the last four years. He spoke boldly of the plans he has to make our nation great again, even taking the time to recognize our need to put God first. Are we ready to be this bold in the face of our accusers? Are we willing to do whatever God asks us in order to push back the forces of darkness?
While I am greatly encouraged by President Trump, I also recognize that our salvation is not in man. Our salvation rests in God and God alone. For it is he who raises up Jehus and Esthers and leads them on as they save their people and carry out the word of the Lord. God has brought each of us to this moment to take part in one of the greatest movements in our nation. The church is coming together to pray, fast and stand for righteousness. We are feeling the stirring to arise and take back the nation that our forefathers knew would only survive if God was leading the way.
Final Thoughts…
Lord, we desire the path of righteous boldness. Show us if there are any wicked ways in us. Any places of fear, people-pleasing or doubt. As it says in Acts 3:19 we repent so that our sins may be blotted out and that times of refreshing may come from the presence of our Lord. These last few years have been spent trudging through some muck and mire, but You have established our steps and strengthened us along the way. You have stirred up our faith and taught us how to rest and seek out Your secret place. Let us see clearly the path that You have for us and help us to quickly recognize any attempts from the enemy to derail us. Let the lions arise!