Tuesday, January 14th, 2025
The last few weeks, I have continued my slow trek through the last of the gospels. There is something about the gospel of John that is very different from the others. It’s as if he puts in the missing pieces from the other three gospels. There is of course much value in all of them, but I find myself often re-reading more portions of John as I try to digest it all. That happened recently with John 16:14-15 when Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit:
14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. 15 All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.
There is something about the picture that these words painted that grabbed my attention. I found myself reading it again and again, partly trying to understand it better but probably more so letting them wash over my soul like waves on the shore.
We know that our Heavenly Father is the Creator of the Universe. He created all that there ever was, is and will be. He owns everything in Creation and can move resources and wisdom wherever He wants to. Jesus says in these scriptures that everything the Father has, which is everything in Creation, belongs to Him. Then He says that the Holy Spirit also has access to all these resources and wisdom and He will declare and share these things with us. And yet somehow we still worry or think that God doesn’t know or isn’t able to help us.
I am the first person to admit I fall victim to these lies. I am walking out of a deep valley of not trusting in God and putting other ways of thinking ahead of Him. Once we start to think God isn’t capable in one area it becomes much easier to believe that He won’t lead us to victory in many other areas. Then all of a sudden we have completely forgotten that we are heirs of the most powerful and perfect Kingdom there has ever been and will ever be.
Final Thoughts…
There is something about this passage that comforts my soul. It’s that gentle reminder that no challenge on this earth or in the spiritual realm is too great for the One who created it all. When we find ourselves in a place where we don’t know what to do, don’t have the answers or don’t have the necessary resources all we have to do is ask. God didn’t just throw the book at us and say, “Here, figure it out on your own.” He said He will be with us always, He knows all that we need and that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth.