Thursday, January 2nd, 2025
I’m going with another testimony today. And really, it isn’t a finished one yet. It’s more of a promise of things to come and the season that I believe my family (and really all of us) are entering into. A few months ago, I was watching an online service from Glory of Zion International in Corinth, Texas. During worship there were a couple of words released about the five smooth stones that David selected when he was getting ready to fight Goliath (1 Samuel 17:40). One of them was about getting our five smooth stones ready to shoot at our modern-day giants. The other word was that we are all like smooth stones and we need to be ready for God to put us in His slingshot and send us out for His purposes. Both words really spoke to my spirit.
One of the phrases I have told my children before, specifically when we find ourselves in a challenging situation is, “We slay our giants.” When I can tell the enemy is trying to distract us or bring us down I like to remind them of the authority we have against the powers of darkness. Yes, Jesus has already defeated our enemies, but on this side of heaven we often have to load up our own slingshots in order to silence the accuser. If we are not willing to take up our spiritual slingshot and stones we will find ourselves quite defenseless against the attacks of the enemy.
And isn’t it interesting to think about us being one of God’s smooth stones that He sends out to complete His purposes. Do we trust Him enough to stay in that slingshot and let Him send us where He desires? That question might be easier to answer than to walk out. But I think we can see that God is calling all of us into that deep of a surrender. It isn’t enough to give Him 10%, 50% or even 99%. Is that 1% of us that won’t fully commit to Him graced over by the 99% that does? It’s a challenging thought. What if that last 1% is the part that opens the door to an abundant, fruit-of-the-spirit filled life that satisfies all of our passions and dreams? This isn’t about us being perfect, it’s about us being 100% willing to do and say whatever God asks.
Now for the testimony part. Towards the end of this same day, I went outside to get my clothes off the clothesline. I often leave the clothes basket and clothespins outside so they are ready. When I got to the basket, I noticed there was something in the bottom of it, a round smooth stone. My jaw dropped. I immediately remembered the service that I had watched a few hours before. After I did some asking around, one of my children decided they liked the nice stone and felt to put it in my basket. I proceeded to tell them the whole story and how God had used them that day to confirm a word that I felt God speaking to me.
Final Thoughts…
The finding of the smooth rock in my basket is really part one of the testimony. Part two I am sure will come soon enough. It’s another amazing opportunity to see all the incredibly creative ways that God speaks to us. And I love when I get to share these experiences with my children. I want them to know how loving, powerful and creative God is from a very early age. So, do you have your five smooth stones ready to shoot at your enemies? And are you ready to be a smooth stone for God? Lord if there is any part of us that is not ready, please lovingly guide us to a place of complete surrender. 2025 here we come!