The Daily Word Search

Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

My heart is a little saddened lately by the people that think our country is heading down a troublesome path. Those of us who stand for truth and righteousness have spent the last four years praying and fasting for the Church to rise up out of that path. It finally seems like there is light at the end of that tunnel. It amazes me how deceived people have become. They are ready to listen and believe any voice that tells them whatever it wants to tell them.

Interestingly enough it is quite similar to some of the reactions that Paul got as he was traveling and preaching throughout the book of Acts. Some Jews and Gentiles listened to Paul and allowed the edification of truth and righteousness into their spirits. Others dug their heels in even more and tried all the harder to stop the spreading of the gospel. I’m not really here to talk about one side or the other. There is no debating truth. One either knows the truth or they do not. Thankfully, God is the judge of that. What I want to focus on today is the reaction of those who received the word in Berea. Let’s look at Acts 17:11:

11 These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.

Pause for one moment with me and imagine a world where everyone took what they heard and searched the scriptures to find out if it was true! I keep hearing this commercial (I won’t say who it’s for) and they start it by saying that we don’t come with an instruction manual. Every time I hear it, I declare, “Yes we do, and it’s called the Bible.” There are so many topics covered in the Bible that people who have been walking with the Lord for decades still find new things daily. The Word is life and light to those who are seeking. It provides healing, provision, wisdom, comfort and rest to those who believe in its power.

Final Thoughts…

Lord, please help us all to receive Your Word with all readiness. Help us to search Your Word to find truth and discernment. Show us how to help others find their way to the greatest Instruction Manual ever written. We pray for the lost, that Your grace, mercy and love would overtake them, and they would be unable to resist it. We pray that Your presence would sweep across this nation and world in a way that it never has before. Open blinded eyes, heal wounded hearts and show Your people the way. We are all desperate for You.