Thursday, January 16th, 2025
Today I am going to be sharing a personal experience both to shine a light on the tactics of the enemy and to share the walk-out path that God has me on. It was about an hour after I had finished my last blog and my husband and I were in the basement putting away some food pantry items. Not long after we started he noticed that there was an issue with one of our chest freezers. It didn’t take us long to realize that we must have accidentally unplugged the cord when we were working on a project a few weeks ago. Do you know what happens when a mostly full freezer thaws out for a couple of weeks? It’s not pretty. There was much cleaning and throwing out going on.
I knew right away that it was my fault. I was the one messing around where the cord gets plugged in and I never even thought to check it when I was done. As a stay-at-home mom, I work hard to save us money so that I can continue to stay home with our children. Losing a freezer full of food doesn’t really fit that qualification. That night and the next day were not very enjoyable. I was teetering between being frustrated with myself, thinking about the money that I threw down the drain and in a sense wanting to make myself “pay” for what had happened. I reached out to a couple of fellow believers and asked for prayer. I knew I was heading down a dangerous road.
As I was praying, I felt to get out one of my favorite resources when I am battling something spiritual, Cindy Trimm’s Rules of Engagement. As I reviewed my state, the word that kept coming to me was “perfectionism”. This is something I have battled for a lot of my life whether it was school, sports, work and even now, being a stay-at-home mama. When I looked up the word in the index I ended up in the section for dealing with a spirit of shame. I knew without reading much more that this was exactly what I was up against. The enemy had swooped in after my mistake and was bound and determined to make it leave a scar.
The path to victory when dealing with a spirit of shame starts with repenting for agreeing with it in the first place, renouncing the spirit and then inviting God to fill those voids. As Cindy Trimm says in her book, unconditional love and deep inner healing are needed for anyone dealing with a spirit of shame. Good thing our God is just the One to provide both of these things.
Final Thoughts…
When we find ourselves thinking unhealthy thoughts or being plagued with something that doesn’t look like a Fruit of the Spirit it’s a good time to ask God to show us if something unrighteous has found a way in. Shame specifically is one of the enemy’s go to tools to chip away at our God-given identity. He will use mistakes and the words and actions of others to try to make us feel worthless. His goal is to pull us out from under the blood-washed, white as snow covering that Jesus died to give us. The sooner we realize we don’t have to follow his destructive lead, the better. My situation really wasn’t about a freezer or the food in it. It was about God highlighting an area that needed His healing touch. He will use anything that gets our attention to show us how much He loves us and how much He wants us to be healed and whole.