Tuesday, December 31st, 2024
Today’s blog is going to be a personal testimony. My husband has been off from work for over a week and the kids and I have also taken a break from homeschool. It has been wonderful. We like to try to finish some of the many projects we have started and also balance doing fun activities with the kids. One particular day started out like normal. Everyone was in a good mood and ready to embrace the day.
As the day progressed, I noticed that I was getting more and more impatient. I knew I was not responding in my most graceful tone and I could tell others were picking up on my change in mood. My husband was gently asking what had happened and if I knew why I was in a funk. I finally realized I needed to ask God what was going on and seek Him for the wisdom to fix it. I kept thinking back through my day and trying to find the epicenter of my mommy-quake.
Finally, God shined His spotlight of grace on what that moment was. My husband and I were working in the basement installing some shelves. I was outside setting up a spot to cut the shelves to length and he was inside cleaning the spot where they would go. The next thing I needed was the extension cord. As I walked inside, I realized he was using it. All of sudden this thought came into my mind, “How dare he use that cord I need when he has an open outlet to plug the vacuum into!”
In that moment I had a choice to make. I could agree with the irrational non-sense that the enemy was feeding me, or I could resist his lies and patiently wait my turn. Looking back, I still can’t believe I fell for his trap, but I did. From that moment on, every interaction with my husband became less gentle and more and more impatient. I opened the door to the enemy, and he took full advantage. As soon as I could, I shared this with my husband and asked for forgiveness. I repented for allowing the enemy a moment of entry into my day and I thanked God for showing me my faults.
Final Thoughts…
Lately, I am trying to pay more attention to triggers in my life or the things that seem to bring about something in me that needs to be dealt with. I am tired of letting the enemy take the reins of my day because of something I didn’t stop at the door. It can be a thought, a careless word spoken or an unhealthy emotional response. The more time I spend with God the more I am realizing that there is less and less tolerance for the things of the flesh. We must become more and more aware of the lies of the enemy and take them captive before they ruin our day, our week, our year or even our lifetime. The enemy will never stop trying to steal, kill, and destroy, but with Jesus we will never lose our ability to overcome him.